Top 3 New Tech Trends in 2023




2020, the pandemic year, spiked something in the world that we are still learning to catch up with—the rapid evolution of the tech industry. Most telecommunications companies embrace the new trend of working from home, and with this comes the wide acceptance of different software like Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, Slack, and Skype. The exponential progression in aspects of technology, like artificial intelligence and machine learning, shows that technology is part of our everyday lives. We are consciously or unconsciously impacted by innovation in tech. 

Technology evolution has come to stay, and as a professional in the industry, to stay on track and relevant in your career, you will constantly learn, relearn and unlearn. Artificial intelligence is fast becoming prevalent, and if you want to make the most of this innovation, below are 3 trends to look out for in the tech industry.

Computing Power


Computing power established its presence with the rapid evolvement from 4g to 5g and now going to 6G. Each evolution brings advanced computerization of devices. Even better, there are more job opportunities in this industry due to its advancement. Some of the jobs in the industry are data science, IT specialist, and customer care. 

The more computing power advances, the more employment opportunities there are in the industry. 

However, keep in mind that as the industry grows, so will the requirements to excel in it. You will need to keep up with trends, stay informed, and grow your skills.



Almost every aspect of human chores has been modified by data-driven technology. Every time we open our phone or related gadget and use the internet, we inadvertently share information with data-driven technologies attached to the device. While this might seem creepy, it is safe to say that datafication is an evolving aspect of technology, and keeping up with trends in this area helps you better understand how it works. 

Also, if you are looking for a popular career in the industry, like IT architect, Big Data engineer, or Data scientist, you will constantly learn, unlearn and relearn to keep up with innovations in the industry.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning


Artificial learning has received a lot of buzz lately with the new technology trends and effects on daily lives. AI is best known for its impact on speech and image recognition, ride-sharing apps, smartphone personal assistant, and research/writing. The AI industry is predicted to grow by 36.2%, reaching up to $200 billion by 2025, according to MarketsandMarkets. 

Despite the rave about AI replacing some jobs, the industry paved the way for tech roles like automation specialists, content creators, and robot monitoring professionals. As such, mastering AI will help you secure jobs in the industry.

Speaking about AI, machine learning, an aspect of AI has been deployed in many industries. This also has paved the way for jobs in the industry. By 2025, AI and machine learning put together will create 9% of jobs in the US.

Keeping up with trends in the tech industry keeps you up to date on various evolutions and how they might affect your career if you work in the industry. You are aware of the areas of your career in which you need to learn more or relearn. This also helps you know the relevant skills needed to excel in the industry if you are looking to start a career in tech. 

For platforms where you can get tech jobs and career growth opportunities, create an account on Kominiti. Kominiti is a global marketplace and social space designed to connect global business professionals, freelancers, career experts, job seekers, and proteges. Business owners on the platform constantly share projects and jobs to hire the best hand. 

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